Welcome to SkyCity Frequently Asked Questions
SkyCity Realty is a global database of properties from around the globe. Our system allows both users and businesses to post listings anywhere in the world and in a variety of different currencies.
Not only do you have access to all the countries and their respective currencies. You also have access to some of the more popular crypto currencies. SkyCity Realty also incorporates a special geospatial mapping system. This allows you to accurately indicate just where the property is, should the address you provide does not show properly on the map. Some mapping system do not accurately reflect an address, now you can remove the guess work.
SkyCity is a global megatropolis that brings together everyone across the globe: from individuals, friends and family to businesses, employees and customers. It is a place where anyone can interact with anybody. It is a place where a business can build contacts and accept employees. It is a place where individuals and businesses can personalize themselves knowing their identities are safe and secure.
What makes SkyCity and SkyCity Realty unique is that it allows businesses to add users as employees. Then assign those employees to positions and teams. Those position and teams are given permissions to access certain apps in the business from their user accounts.
Let us look at Realty Business Inc. It brings John Smith on as an employee. The business assigns John to the Realtor team. The team has the permission to access the Realtor Agent.
So when John login with his personal account. He will head to his employer app. Through the employer app he can choose to access the business Realtor Agent and he can start creating and editing his listings.
On the other side of the business, Joan Doe, was brought on as a supervisor for the business agents. She is put into the Realtor Supervisor team. Her permission is to access the Realtor Management app.
Through her personal account, in the employment app, there is the business Realtor Management app located in the Realty Business Inc tab. She can now create and edit listings. She will also be able to assign an SCMLS number to John’s listings. She can also publish his listings.
Another app that SkyCity has is called the Business Directory app. It comes with two apps, Business Directory and Business Rolodex. The Business Directory is the administration of all employees and their business contact information. Through this app each employee can be given permission to what they can and cannot edit. The Rolodex is the app that provides the current information list of all employees. It is also where individual employees can edit the information they are given permission to.
Do not have an account? No problem, you can sign up for free!
Our system will allow you to list your property as a user or as a business. Are you just renting out your home as a weekend BNB? Then a user account may be perfect for you. Are you a realtor selling various properties from across the city? Then you should look into a business account.
Upon completion of creating your account, you should see some special buttons on your dashboard.
As a User you will have the Personal Realtor.
As a Business you will have Realtor Agent, Realtor Manager, and Realtor Admin.
It is very simple to activate the SkyCity Realtor system.
For a user, you want to head to the Market. Find the User Plugin tab. Activate the Personal Realtor Plugin.
For a business, head to the Market. Find the Business Plugin tab. Activate the SkyCity Realty Business Plugin.
After activating, you should see some special buttons on your dashboard.
As a User you will have the Personal Realtor.
As a Business you will have Realtor Agent, Realtor Manager, and Realtor Admin.
This Personal Realtor will allow the user to:
- Publish one listing at a time.
- Assign an SCMLS number before you wish to post your listing.
- Once you have your SCMLS number, you can now post your listing and you will be advertising your property.
The system will pull information from your settings for contact information and location. It is not a fixed entry. You can change this information for publication.
A business comes with three apps. The system as a whole will allow a business to:
- Create an unlimited number of published listings.
- Assign an SCMLS number before you wish to post your listing.
- Once you have your SCMLS number, you can now post your listing and you will be advertising your property.
- You can have an unlimited number of published listings.
- Create an unlimited number of published listings.
The three apps have very specific permission:
The Realtor Agent give the ability to:
- Create listings
- Edit listings
The Realtor Manager gives the ability to:
- Create listings
- Edit listings
- Assign SCMLS number
- Publish Listings
- Publish listings
The Realtor Admin is for how the business information is displayed on the listings. You can:
- Put in a banner
- Provide alternate information for the business
At first it can seem daunting. Once you have created a couple of listings, it can be very easy. To follow the flow of the creating a listing:
Advertising Type: This is the core of the listing. How you want it to be seen on the map search.
- Bronze is basic listing. It will be published on the map. Your listing will have a feature listing ad in the header.
- Silver is a step up where your listing will stand out a little more. It shows up as a purple pin on the map and a purple header. You will have a Feature Listing Ad in the headers, and if you are a business, you will also have your business banner displayed.
- Gold has a couple more options. Your listing will have an orange pin and an orange header on the map search. On your listing page, you will have your business banner in the header. Added is that your listing will be available as a Featured Listing Advertisement, so your listing may appear at the top of Bronze and Silver listings. Increasing your exposure.
Local Multiple Listing System/Service: Some countries have their own Multiple Listing System or Service. If your listing is already on their system, you can bring the number here so users can search for your property here too.
Agent List: You can have up to 5 agents representing your property. By default, your business will always be displayed on the listing. Should you have other contacts that represent the listing as your point of contact, you can set them up here.
Open House Date (Max 5): When you are planning your open houses, you can have 5 dates in advance.
Site Address: This is where you put in all the particulars for the property you are selling.
Map: This is what makes SkyCity Realty special. With this map you can make sure your listing is located in the right place. Using the button “Show where my listing is located as per the information above” you can see where your listing will be displayed. If it is not the right location you can check off “Use Lat and Long instead of my listed address? “ and pin in the map where the listing really is.
The following selections are used to help advertise your listings. Nothing is mandatory so you can pick and choose what is relevant to your listings. Selling a house might have more information then renting a suite. A hotel listing would be different from a BnB listing.
Features: allow you to highlight parts of the property. This would be the Coles Notes of your listing.
Pictures: You can have up to 15 pictures to show off the location.
Description: Here is the section where you will write up what property you are listing.
Floor Plan: Add a special floor plan PDF. Users can specifically search for listings with a floor plan.
Property Brochure: Add a property brochure PDF to your listing. Users can specifically search for listings with a property brochure.
Before you publish a listing, it has to be assigned a SkyCity Multiple Listing Service (SCMLS) number. We do this to ensure that the creator of the listing is legitimate and not creating a false listing. We have heard of individuals putting their neighbor’s house up for sale.
Once a listing has been assigned a SCMLS number it is ready to be published.
Yes you can. You can change your information, agents, even transfer the listing to another business or user. The only restrictions is that you cannot change your advertising type, add or remove the number of features / pictures, floor plans or property brochures. To do this you have to delist your listing, make those changes and re-publish.
Agents are employees of a business. This is what makes SkyCity so much different than other online platforms. You are able to bring users on as employees. Assign them permissions. Then the new employees would be able to access those permissions from their user account.
The Employees App is only available for a Registered Business. A Registered Business is a business that has signed up for a subscription. Once you upgrade from being a Free Business to a Registered Business you will be able to add employees.
Now you have to start to add users as employees. First you start by adding the user you want as an employee to your contact list. This can be initiated by either the business or the user.
Conduct a search and then press Sent Contact Request.
Once the user has accepted the request you can then proceed to the Employees App. Click on the Employees tab and use the employee drop down to find the user you want to add. Select the user and press Add Employee.
An email will be sent to the user if they wish to become an employee. When they accept you will be able to add them to a position, or a team, or both.
No, it is purely semantics. It is how you want to layout your business structure and the permissions each person receives. You can add as many employees as you wish to a created position or team.
Now it is time for your employees to get to work! Once you have provided your employee’s access to certain apps for the business, they can access those apps through their user account. They access them through the Employment App.
SkyCity has an app called Business Directory. It is two apps: Business Rolodex and Business Directory.
Business Rolodex: This is what you assign to your employees. It works in two way. One it will allow your employee to modify certain fields. These are the business contact fields that would be displayed as an agent on a listing. Second is it provides an overview of all employees in your business and their contact information.
Business Directory: This is the admin of the Business Rolodex. This app is where you add employees to the Rolodex and set permission to what an employee can, and cannot, change.